
Welcome to the Melioscope Blog – your hub for knowledge and resources on topics related to organizational culture and employee well-being. Here, we explore the latest strategies in enhancing workplace wellness, leadership, and culture. Dive into our expert articles to discover innovative ideas and practical tips for fostering a healthier, more productive work environment.

What I Learned From Working With the World’s Passion Expert

It was 2018, and I had just submitted my doctoral dissertation. What it meant was [...]

The Importance of Work-home Transitions

Every person has many roles that they fulfill in their life. Roles like son/daughter, partner, [...]

The Real Cost of Working Outside of Work Hours

Working hours have become an ambiguous concept in recent years. Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, [...]

Clear Communication at Work: Why is it So Difficult?

A recent Gallup poll found that employee engagement is at an 11-year low, with one [...]

Happiness at Work: Is it Necessary?

People have long pondered about what makes us happy; love, family, gratitude, and faith are [...]

What Research Says about Leadership: 5 Things that Leaders Do Right

Leadership, particularly in organizations, is a highly researched and discussed topic. Companies recognize that good [...]

Employee Engagement from an SDT Perspective

One of the top questions on the minds of employers, managers, and human resources personnel [...]

Imposter Syndrome

What is imposter syndrome? In 1985, Dr. Pauline Clance defined imposter syndrome as the inability [...]

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📍Montreal, Quebec
(438) 866-8603