Frequently Asked Questions

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An organizational culture audit involves identifying and defining the values, norms, preferences, and purpose of an organization. It involves both interviews with the leadership team and real-time observations of the culture (e.g., meetings, training sessions, communication styles, etc). It is designed to identify maladaptive practices  within the system, ensure that all employees embody the values of the organization, and remove barriers to psychological safety and well-being.

Depending on the number of employees and the complexity of the company infrastructure, an audit can take between 2-5 full work days.

Yes. By connecting virtually and having permission to audit virtual work meetings, we can help enhance the culture of organizations and improve the well-being of employee that work remotely. However, it is important to note that communication and signals of care and safety are not only verbal, and can include many subtle physical cues. Therefore, whenever possible, it is strongly encouraged to perform the audit in person.   

An organizational culture assessment involves a systematic analysis of various aspects of your workplace culture, including organizational values, norms, and purpose, employee attitudes and behavioural patterns, psychological safety, and the overall work environment. The goal is to identify and define cultural strengths, as well as areas for improvement. Each assessment is concluded with a comprehensive report that includes evidence-based actionable suggestions and strategies. 

The duration can vary depending on the size of your organization and the depth of assessment required, but typically it ranges from a couple weeks to a month.

Our assessment process is designed to be as non-intrusive as possible, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily operations. 

While an audit is recommended, organizations that aim to improve a specific aspect of their culture with the help of an expert advisor, can benefit from advising without an audit. 

At Melioscope, we are committed to evidence-based solutions. We advise each organization based on existing of models of success and the latest research that is related to the unique needs of each organization. In the final report, a client can expect to receive solutions based on a combination of experiential knowledge and empirical evidence. 

Yes! Small companies can benefit tremendously from the right culture. In small companies, a healthy organizational culture is easier to create and maintain, and it is therefore a good idea to learn to align values, purpose, and expectations early in the business venture. We can work with you to ensure that your ideal culture scales as your company grows. 

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📍Montreal, Quebec
(438) 866-8603